Process & Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about how we like to work or what to expect for the architectural process? Find our resources on such subjects in our library.
Welcome to the Workshop 315 library of articles to help you understand topics related to design and how we approach it. Below are articles relating to our process and frequently asked questions.
It’s important to understand the design process. Any project with a design professional will typically include the schematic design phase to start off any design. While the name is common in the industry, there will always be a variation of the actual tasks. See what we mean in the schematic design process.
It’s important to understand the design process. Any project with a design professional will typically include design development, construction documents, and construction administration. We like to categorizes these as the post schematic design phases. See what these phases mean for us.
How Long until the project is complete? Many clients want to know how long until their project is finished and our experience has proven that generally most projects follow a similar duration.
How much will my project cost? Many clients want to know what a project will cost. It’s difficult to put a cost given the many variables, but we will can help budget the project as we work together and gain more information.
In addition to the construction costs, one will need to factor in the soft cost of design and permitting fees. What should one expect in design and permit fees? As you would expect it’s complicated. Here’s a few ranges we recommend factoring in for project budgets.
Billing and Invoicing can vary from firm to firm. Our goal is to be transparent as possible by providing estimates prior to executing work and providing invoice summaries so you know how we’re tracking.